The following pledge has been designed by representing bodies spanning PR & communications, broadcast media, journalism, institutions, and online media to acknowledge a shared responsibility in tackling misinformation, commit to shared solutions and prevention methods, as well as share the task of educating our own companies and employees, in addition to the wider public.

Read the Pledge HERE

List of Supporters

The International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO) is the voice of public relations and communications consultancies around the world. ICCO membership comprises 40 associations representing 82 countries across the globe. Collectively, these associations represent over 3,000 PR firms.

Massimo Moriconi, Europe President, ICCO and CEO Omnicom PR Group Italy said:

“To unite various media stakeholders around information threats is an important step. All sides must share a collective responsibility to educate. Without trust in media, PR cannot function. For PR agencies that means our staff, our clients, brands, influencers, government. At all experience levels, all regions, and all age groups, this is an ongoing challenge. I look forward to seeing more affirmative action across the media to continuously educate and raise media literacy internationally.”

The Trust Project is an international consortium of news organizations promoting standards of transparency and working with technology platforms to affirm and amplify journalism’s commitment to transparency, accuracy, inclusion, and fairness so that the public can make informed news choices. Their partners include The Economist, Il Sole 24 Ore, El Pais, El Mundo, the Washington Post and BBC, along with a broad range of other international and local news outlets.

Trust Project Founder and CEO Sally Lehrman said:

“The ability to trust news and information is essential for a functioning society. It is increasingly difficult for all kinds of stakeholders to know how to identify and dispel falsehoods that undermine reliable information. It’s hugely positive to engage PR firms, journalists and policymakers alongside our news outlets to acknowledge the importance of media literacy and commit to long-term programmes that strengthen support for news with integrity”.

The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading human rights organisation. It includes 46 member states, 27 of which are members of the European Union.

Patrick Penninckx, Head of Information Society, Council of Europe said:

“I was pleased to support this pledge on behalf of the Council of Europe with our partners ICCO. Misinformation is one of the greatest threats to society and PR firms in ICCO’s membership can play a huge role in influencing the dialogue and action on media education. The Trust Project represents the most reliable broadcasters and publishers and their work is already having an impact”.

The European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) represents the interests of top-tier communication directors and professionals across European industry, business, not-for-profit and political organisations and institutions. Sharing knowledge, expertise and best practice, the EACD espouses all that is best in transnational communications and engagement.

Andrew Hillier, EACD Board Member said:

“Communicating with integrity is at the heart of what the EACD stands for. The work of the Trust Project in galvanizing and highlighting journalism’s commitment to balance, fairness and factual accuracy is essential in tackling misinformation and disinformation. The EACD is a proud partner in the ICCO and Trust Project’s mission, as supported by the Council of Europe, and is committed to the aims of The Media Information and Education Pledge.”

Global Women in PR exists to champion, connect and support women in senior PR and communications roles. We are a membership organisation of national networking groups whose members come from agencies, in-house and independents.

Sue Hardwick, Co-Founder, Global Women in PR said:

“The ever-growing challenge of misinformation is something that impacts all of our members. From distribution of unhelpful or misleading information to using falsehoods in stoking deliberately damaging narratives, this is a battle that women at all levels across the PR industry are fighting. I am pleased the pledge seeks to bring together a cross section of disciplines to tackle these issues and place education at the heart of the solution.”

EUPRERA is an autonomous organization with over 550 members from 50 countries interested in advancing academic research and knowledge in public relations and strategic communication. Several cross-national and comparative research and education projects are organized by affiliated universities.

Stefania Romenti, EUPRERA Past President and Board member, said:

“EUPRERA fully acknowledges the core relevance of principles such as continuous media education and media literacy in maintaining pace with new and changing challenges that impact communication and public relations. Academic study and research of misinformation will be a vital part of tackling this threat to ethical and professional communication, and I am proud that EUPRERA has joined ICCO’s call to join forces and share responsibility in combatting the issue.”

How to get involved

Please contact Massimo Moriconi, Europe President ICCO and Rob Morbin, Deputy Ceo ICCO