Jury Insights: Why the winners win!
“When it came to the social purpose entries, we had a saying: tears are not enough” Candace Kuss, Director of Social Media, Hill and Knowlton Strategies. If you are thinking of entering Cannes Lions next year, we have two much watch videos for you.
Firstly, a panel of four jurors from this year are quizzed by Maja Pawinska Sims, Holmes Report, on their decision process and advice for PR entries across all categories. Insights came from Denis Kaufman, Ketchum; Patricia Batuiri, Flieshmann Brazil; Alan Vandermolen WE Communcaitions and Candace Kuss.
Secondly, ICCO President and former PR Lions juror Elise Mitchell talks to the 2017 Young Lions winners at the House of PR about their successful and method strategy.
You can see the videos here.