ICCO CMS Certification testimonial

“We are CMS-certified because our customers deserve the highest quality services.”

Testimonial from Maria Gergova-Bengtsson, CEO & Founder of United Partners
Website: https://united-partners.com/


Why do agencies need an international quality label like CMS at all?

The CMS certification is a fantastic opportunity for the stakeholders’ self-reflection and definition of improvement strategies.

What has certification brought to your agency in concrete terms?

Bringing all the agency assets in one spot and meeting with undisputable thought leaders helped us understand both strengths and areas for future improvement.

Why do you recommend other colleagues to tackle CMS certification for their agency?

Agencies willing to lead in their domains, functions, and geographies can receive valuable unbiased advice and fast track to the next level.

In what way does the CMS label help you in acquisition?

The certification has given UP an objective confirmation of the global standards in all aspects of the business. Now our international development posture is backed by the highest quality label.

What influence does a label have on the internal effect – on your employees?

After CMS certification, the agency employer brand gained additional equity vital for top talent attraction. Now UP team’s efforts for relentless self-improvement got globally recognized.

What are your wishes for the further development of the CMS? What is missing today?

More global and local communication on CMS could help our customers understand the value behind it. Also building a community of CMS certified agencies will be a way of always on sharing and improving.